LA Net
What we do
LA Net is 501c3 community-based primary care practice based research and resource network. We partner with primary care providers, social service agencies and schools to improve services and quality of life for vulnerable populations, and promote health, education, and social equity in Los Angeles.​​
Practice Improvement Coaching for Primary Care and CBOs
Program design and management
PF curriculum development and training
PF learning community
Project ECHO Knowledge Networks
Participant and patient-partnered re-design
Research and Evaluation
Primary care practice-based research
Community-based participatory research and evaluation
Community-owned and managed research and evaluationn
Qualitative research studies
Health IT to Support Equity
Multilingual screening​
SDOH care management supports for Community Health Workers
Virtual SDOH service navigation
Supporting positive youth development
Program design and evaluation
Program improvement coaching ​​
Master-based learning program design